Funded by the Ridgestone Foundation, Pittsburgh Children's Foundation, Ruth & Charles Hopping, The Samburu Project drilled and installed a shallow well equipped with a handpump in this community.

  • Lucas Lekwale of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Fri 06 Jul 2012, Over 12 Years ago

    July Visit

    Routine Visit. Well is in good working condition.

  • Stephanie Ng of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Mon 21 May 2012, Over 12 Years ago

    Stephanie Ng's Visit- May 2012

    As we were walking towards this well, Juma informed me that this well was drilled to service the children in the community, in particular the students at WAMBA DEB Primary School. During the drought season, even people from town (to be distinguished from community members from nearby villages) come to this well to get water since water is very scarce in town and is rationed. After a few minutes of arriving at the well, a group of young children joined us. Though none of them were old enough to answer any of our questions, it was worthwhile just to see their joy in being able to pump clean water and to see them quenching their thirst. I could see that this well has no problems (Paul and Juma confirmed this) and that it requires very little force on the part of the children to pump the water up – from where I stood it looked like the kids were having fun pumping the hand pump up and down and were vying for their turn to pump.

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  • Heidi Sheppard of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Mon 30 May 2011, Over 13 Years ago

    May 2011 Update by Paalo Lekuuk

    Routine visit and witness selection of new committee:

    - The committee was trained on procedures of operation and
    how to maintain records of cash collected. They will be required to run a bank account where weekly collections are deposited.
    - Worn rubber was fixed.
    - Well ownership was discussed due to high competition between the school and communities living in the vicinity.
    - The community was given full responsibility to manage the well because of constant breakages by the schoolchildren.

  • Heidi Sheppard of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Sat 26 Feb 2011, Over 13 Years ago

    Kristen Kosinski's Visit - February 2011

    Below is the information Kristen gathered on this visit:

    -Well not functioning because the rubbers are worn out (replaced on 2.28.11).
    -No fence
    -Lucas needs to meet with the Headmaster (meeting scheduled for 3.7.11)

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  • Heidi Sheppard of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Fri 02 Jul 2010, Over 14 Years ago

    Sarah Ball's and Ashley Cook's Visit - June 2010

    Notes from Wamba DEB Primary Well:
    - 669 students access the well.
    - The water is used for drinking and to wash clothes.

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  • Stephanie Ng of The Samburu Project
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: completed Mon 13 Oct 2008, About 16 Years ago

    Lucas Passing out Books Donated by the Falkenberg Family to Students at DEB Primary School

    Thanks to the contributions from the Falkenberg family, The Samburu Project was able to purchase books for the students in eighth grade.Both the teachers and the students of Wamba D.E.B Primary School were very grateful for the assistance and the students promised to work exceptionally hard. They assured Lucas that because of these supplementary textbooks they will pass their forthcoming exams due on November 2008.

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  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 15 Jul, 2007 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Jul, 2007 Preparation Phase

Funded by the Ridgestone Foundation, Pittsburgh Children's Foundation, Ruth & Charles Hopping, The Samburu Project drilled and installed a shallow well equipped with a handpump in this community.


People Impacted: 1669

People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 1000

School Children Getting Water: 669

The main objective of the project is to provide clean, safe drinking water for the school.

People Getting Sanitation: 1000

People Getting Other Benefits: 1000

Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $419

Creating and measuring long-term impact


Final Cost:
