The village of Panoli is located in a drought prone area. There are 315 households having a population of 2111 inhabitants. We have implemented a water system to aid them in their water crisis.
There is no deviation from the approved plan.
Additional activities such as 2 new water tanks of 10,000 lts capacity has been constructed through government funds and peoples initiative. One old tank of 10,000 lts capacity was repaired and now is being used for water storage.
- Common toilets and individual toilets have also been constructed.
- Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Dec, 2006 Implementation Phase
- Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Jun, 2006 Preparation Phase
The village of Panoli is located in a drought prone area. There are 315 households having a population of 2111 inhabitants. We have implemented a water system to aid them in their water crisis.
There is no deviation from the approved plan.
Additional activities such as 2 new water tanks of 10,000 lts capacity has been constructed through government funds and peoples initiative. One old tank of 10,000 lts capacity was repaired and now is being used for water storage.
- Common toilets and individual toilets have also been constructed.
Knowledge of project and process for sharing
- The drinking water activity has helped the village community to come together for a common cause and helped to strengthen their unity and integrity.
- the illiterate rural women are capable to implement honestly and parsimoniously large projects with big budgets by maintaining transparency if their capacities are built through training interventions and given opportunity to implement the projects
- if the drinking water problem is identified and the work is initiated by the women , the strong support and cooperation is possible from the local governance (Gram Panchyat), CBOs and men folk irrespective of village politics, groupism and bureaucratic interference
People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 1200
families : 200
Maintenance/Operating Costs Annual, in US$: $572
Creating and measuring long-term impact
- funded:
- $11,018
- Final Cost:
- $11,269
- edit $11,018:
- Blue Planet Network