Villianur is located to the west of Pondicherry on the Pondicherry - Villupuram main road at a distance of 9.5 Km from Pondicherry. Villianur is the headquarters of Villianur Commune Panchayat.
The area is semi urban and is a part of Pondicherry

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 14 Nov, 2011 Implementation Phase
  • Kusum Gaur of Humana People to People India
    • confidential
    Implementation Status: in_progress Mon 17 Oct 2011, Over 13 Years ago

    Bore hole

    Project team selected 5 beneficiary for bore hole and made 5 bore hole in Embalam and Manavelli.

    • 5_284.jpg
    • 5_293.jpg
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 30 Jun, 2010 Preparation Phase

Villianur is located to the west of Pondicherry on the Pondicherry - Villupuram main road at a distance of 9.5 Km from Pondicherry. Villianur is the headquarters of Villianur Commune Panchayat.
The area is semi urban and is a part of Pondicherry


People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 500

50 families and 150 children and 100women.

Implementer: Humana People to Peopel India

PWX Member


Final Cost:
