Partnered with AMPDR and with the support of Blue Planet Run, WaterAid Mali carried out a series of interventions to supply safe drinking water and sanitation facilities and to promote effective hygiene practice.


Eighty-seven household latrines were constructed, specifically for demonstration, to generate demand by encouraging others to build their own. WaterAid Mali developed three slab production centers, where locals are provided with the tools and training to make san-plat slabs for their own latrines. Five mason training sessions were carried out to teach local masons about slab production. Two hundred latrine slabs and 59 waste pits were built for the poorest households. Through a revolving credit scheme, these households paid $12 over 3 months to obtain latrine slabs. The management committee (MC) was in charge of receiving requests for slabs and of following-up on beneficiary payments.

  • Impact Assessment (M&E) Phase Project completed on 31 Mar, 2006 Implementation Phase
  • Implementation Phase Project started on 1 Apr, 2005 Preparation Phase

Partnered with AMPDR and with the support of Blue Planet Run, WaterAid Mali carried out a series of interventions to supply safe drinking water and sanitation facilities and to promote effective hygiene practice.


Eighty-seven household latrines were constructed, specifically for demonstration, to generate demand by encouraging others to build their own. WaterAid Mali developed three slab production centers, where locals are provided with the tools and training to make san-plat slabs for their own latrines. Five mason training sessions were carried out to teach local masons about slab production. Two hundred latrine slabs and 59 waste pits were built for the poorest households. Through a revolving credit scheme, these households paid $12 over 3 months to obtain latrine slabs. The management committee (MC) was in charge of receiving requests for slabs and of following-up on beneficiary payments.


Creating and measuring long-term impact

Due to the dynamic partnership between the water and sanitation committees and the local leaders, the town hall has decided that this collaboration will be sustained through the on-going sale of slabs.

Other Issues

Unusual and unexpected issues faced during project execution

WaterAid Mali rehabilitated 2 boreholes and 6 traditional wells, and installed 4 new large diameter wells.
Two pump spare part shops were opened by the community and seven hand pumps were rehabilitated by local pump repairers.


Knowledge of project and process for sharing

While hardware makes water and sanitation projects possible, hygiene promotion is the key to ensuring that hardware is used in a safe way to maximize the health benefits of the projects. By sensitizing the community to sanitation and hygiene topics, WaterAid Mali and its partner organization created an environment in which community members were receptive to working toward the project’s goals. Furthermore, hygiene promotion ensures sustainability as knowledge and skills are transferred to volunteers. Approximately 150 sensitization sessions were conducted for hygiene promotion. Fifty hygiene promoters were trained during 7 hygiene promotion training sessions.


People Getting Safe Drinking Water: 8400

People Getting Sanitation: 8400


Final Cost:
edit $34,856:
Blue Planet Network
